WALT know what the CARE values mean.
SUCCESS CRITERIA We can say what C A R and E stand for and what we need to do to practise these Values.
 "I know that to show respect I need to speak nicely to everyone".

CARE Term 2

WALT know about CARE.
SUCCESS CRITERIA I know that C means Community, A means Active Thinking , R means Respect, E is Excellence.

Science Term 2

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WALT know what plants need to grow. SUCCESS CRITERIA We know that plants need sunlight, water and food from the soil to grow.

Maths Term 2

WALT count in ones accurately. 

SUCCESS CRITERIA I can count like 1,2,3.....
STUDENT VOICE  ' I can count like 1,2,3,4,5, without missing out any numbers". 

Reading Term 2

WALT read so that it sounds like we are talking.
SUCCESS CRITERIA We are not reading word by word.
STUDENT VOICE 'My Reading sounds like when I am talking".

Te Reo Term 2

WALT use Maori greetings.

SUCCESS CRITERIA I can use the greetings Tena Koe, Tena Korua and Tena Koutou.

STUDENT VOICE " I can say Hello to one person or more than one person in Maori". 

Writing Term 1

WALT write an interesting sentence.

SUCCESS CRITERIA - I have a complete sentence that makes sense and tells the reader something.
 STUDENT VOICE "I have written a long sentence about going to the disco".

Swimming Term 1

WALT float and swim. 

SUCCESS CRITERIA I can let my feet come up off the bottom of the pool. I can use my legs to kick and my arms to do freestyle.

STUDENT VOICE: "I know how to use my arms and legs when I swim"